Born May 28, 2006, 12:36am, 8lbs 11 oz, 19.5" long

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Bye-bye Bjorn, hello baby backpack!

Tristan's latest preferred mode of transportation is the baby backpack. At 18-1/2 lbs this week, it was becoming just too difficult to carry him in a front-pack anymore! He seems to enjoy the view from up higher anyway. We went to Joe's Farm in Vancouver to pick out our pumpkins for this year.

4 months old

Well, we have gotten a bit behind with the pictures...Mom started working a few weeks ago, so there isn't much time for anything these days! These are pictures from his 4-month birthday! Tristan lost most of his baby hair by this point, though it is starting to grow back now :)